Features in Detail


Validation of FHIR implementations

Need to test your FHIR implementation for correctness? FHIR implementation guides have different requirements on your implementation. From country-specific adaptations (e.g. Swiss FHIR specifications), to requirements for specific use cases like the International Patient Summary (IPS), or your own organization’s internal FHIR implementation guide. You can configure Matchbox to meet your requirements, and validate your FHIR resources directly with an API during testing or in production. Validation is based on the official HL7 Java reference validator in accordance with the provided terminologies. An external terminology server can also be configured, and you can validate your implementation through the open FHIR API or through a simple GUI. Matchbox can also be integrated with EVS Client, the validation tool from IHE that is used during Connectathons.


Mapping health data to and from FHIR using the FHIR mapping language

Need to map your health data into FHIR and want to share your mapping to FHIR in a re-usable way? The FHIR mapping language allows you to define mapping in a text representation and transform them to FHIR StructureMap resources. Those resources can then be provided in FHIR implementation guides. Matchbox applies the mapping to your own data to create FHIR-compatible data sets. It also checks that the mapping conforms with the included validation stack. In Switzerland, this approach is tested with mapping between CDA and FHIR exchange formats for medication (CDA-FHIR-Maps).